GGL trends and numbers
Just looking back to the last 5 years more than 5.4 million Metric Tons of biomass have been certified under the Green Gold Label and most of this biomass was used for energy production in The Netherlands, adding to the 115 PJ of renewable energy on an annual basis.
As it is possible to appreciate from the graph below, GGL starts to show a stable trend in terms of certified volumes of biomass from 2016 onwards. This was due to the combination of the growing importance of biomass as an alternative and renewable source of energy; and to the introduction of the Dutch subsidy, which is provided to enable and facilitate the transition toward renewable energy production (SDE+).

Source: GGL CB’s
The GGL certificate is held by a very loyal group of 18 partners, amongst which Biomass Producers, Traders and Energy Producers.
These partners are based in 12 different countries around the world.

Source: GGL Certification Register dated May 2020