GGLS5 is based on the sustainability requirements set by the Netherlands and the Renewable Energy Directive’s sustainability criteria (2009/28/EC) (SDE+).
GGLS5 has not been developed to replace existing forest management standards or schemes. However this standard can be applied if non-endorsed and non-certified materials are sourced under the scope of a GGL participant certificate; this standard can be used to verify compliance against the Sustainable Forest Management requirements. Since a number of SDE+ endorsed schemes do not cover all the SDE+ requirements, GGLS5 contains additional criteria which ensure full compliance with the National requirements.
This document provides examples of when participants should consider to make use of GGLS5; and guidelines for its application are also provided as follow.
GGLS5 can be applied when:
- Biomass is sourced from forest units which are certified (e.g. FSC; BB; SFI). Since certification does not provide total compliance with SDE+, this standard allows to verify for the missing criteria (GGL-Certified).
* This is also possible in case the biomass comes without endorsed certificate but with a Raw Material Statement.
- Biomass is sourced from non-endorsed and non-certified forest units (GGL-Controlled).
* Controlled raw materials shall also comply with criteria 1.14 of this standard and principle 7, principle 8, principle 9, criteria 2.1 and criteria 2.3 of GGLS5. A Raw Material Statement shall be signed by the supplier(s).
Who should apply?
- Forest managers which want to sell biomass with sustainably certified claim; or forest managers in possess of a FSC claim (which does not cover all the sustainability criteria);
For a complete overview check the RVO website:
- Biomass Producers if they buy from non-certified FMUs or partially-compliant certified FMUs.
GGLS5 applies:
- 1 (FMU>500ha): The verification can be made as individual verification or group or regional association verification.
- 2 (FMU<500ha): The verification can be made as individual verification or group or regional association verification OR by making use of the Risk Based Approach.